Active Green + Ross Guide To Great Winter Family Escapes 3) Go Sledding

AskPatty_Guide_To_Great_Winter_Family_Escapes-Jan2016-03-go_sleddingSledding is a winter tradition for both young and old to enjoy.

If you’d like something with the same amount of speed but without the noise of the snowmobile engine, then consider these great sledding locations suggested by USAToday that offer specially groomed courses with ramps and hills for urban sledding, snowboarding, and tubing.

Sledding can be great fun, but it can also lead to serious injuries. Research shows over 20,000 emergency room visits per year were a direct result of sledding injuries in patients 19 and younger, so don’t let injuries get in the way of your family’s winter fun. Make sure you all wear helmets and proper sledding gear. And NEVER sled head first!

Finally, before you hit the road for your great winter escape, be sure you’ve prepared yourself, your car, and your family for the adventure ahead. And when you’re on the road, make sure everybody in the car is properly restrained by their seatbelt or child safety seat!